The Reading room
The reading room
- –Matter Mattering Matters– A Scienticity Reader: Edited by Kabelo Malatsie & Lantian Xie
- -Solidarity Must Be Defended: Edited by Eszter Szakács & Naeem Mohaiemen
- -Thami Mnyele + MEDU Art ensemble retrospective: Edited by Clive Kellner & Sergio-Albio González
- -Decolonising Design Education-Schools of Departure No.1: Edited by Bauhaus Dessau Foundation
- -Fascinating Fascism: Susan Sontag
- -She Unnames Them: Ursula K. Le Guin
- -Your History with Me. The Films of Penny Siopis
- -De grafiek van Goya: Rijksmuseum/Rijksprentenkabinet. Amsterdam 13 November 1970 – 17 January 1971
- -In Defense of the Poor Image: Hito Steyerl
- -The Book of Imaginary Beings: Jorge Luis Borges
- -Bunker Archeology: Paul Virilio
- -Theater, Garden, Bestiary: A materialist History of Exhibitions. Edited by: Tristan Garcia & Vincent Normand
- -My Cinema: Marguerite Duras
- -Radio Remediated: Sissako’s Life on Earth and Sembène’s Moolaadé: Marissa J. Moorman
- -Sub-Saharan African film production. Technological paternalism: Manthia Diawara
- -Dear Science and Other Stories: Katherine McKittrick
- -Meeting the Universe Halfway- Quantum Physics and the Entanglement of Matter and Meaning: Karen Barad
- -The Jazz of Physics- The Secret Link Between Music and the Structure of the Universe: Stephon Alexander
- -Meridian Crossing Aesthetics: Jacques Derrida Interviews, 1974-1994
- -Tools for Conviviality: Ivan Illich
- -Sonic Meditations: Oliveros Pauline
- -Time Lost, Instantaneity and The Image: Dorothea E. Olkowski
- -Deleuze and the Limits of Mathematical Time: Dorothea Olkowski
- -Race, Rhetoric and Revision: June Jordan as Utopian Architect: Charles Davis
- -Speed & Politics: Paul Virilio
- -The Problems of Modernity. Adorno & Benjamin: Edited by Andrew Benjamin
- -Bosses: Ghislaine Leung
- -Units of Measurement: Jackie Karuti
- -Politicization of Nature: Luxemburg, Kraus, Benjamin: Tom Vandeputte
- -Reinventing the Medium: Rosalind E. Krauss
- -Japan Video Topics: DVD list (1998-2017)
- -Fog, Froth and Foam: insubstantial Matters in Substantive Atmospheres: Esther Leslie
- -Life-Destroying Diagrams: Eugenie Brinkema
- -Imagination: Vilem Flusser
- -Instructional Cinema in Colonial Africa- An Historical Reappraisal: Dr. Femi Okiremuete Shaka
- -Ciné-chronotones: Decolonial Temporal Critique in Contemporary Moving Image Practice: KJ Abudu
- -Ousmane Sembene: The Aestheticization of Memory & history: Peter Mwaura Gachanja
- -Visibility Machines: Harun Farocki and Trevor Paglen
- -ZOO, or the letter Z, just after Zionism: Malkit Shoshan
- -The Perception of the Environment: Essays on Livelihood, Dwelling and Skill: Tim Ingold
- -The Arachnean and Other Texts: Fernand Deligny
- -Harun Farocki- Soft Montages: edited by Yilmaz Dziewior
- –Pages 11: Stage so near so far
- -Togetherward: Christian Nyampeta
- -Xenogenesis: The Otolith Group
- -Ways of Worldmaking: Ben Rivers
- -Walls to talk to: Jewyo Rhii
- -Structural Film Anthology: Peter Gidal
- -Tell it to the Stones. Encounters with the films of Danièle Huillet and Jean-Marie Straub
- -Raw Materials for the Imagination: Alexander Kluge
- -Inserts in Real Time: Dora Garcia, performance work 2000-2023
- -Ideological Effects of the Basic Cinematographic Apparatus: Jean-Louis Baudry and Alan Williams
- -Axolotl: Julio Cortázar
- -Versus the Multinational Vampires. An Attainable Utopia: Julio Cortázar
- -Undrowned: Black Feminist Lessons from Marine Mammals: Alexis Pauline Gumbs
- -Diego Garcia: Natasha Soobramanien and Luke Williams
- -The Last Whole Earth Catalog, January 1971: Rare print edition
- -Arte Povera: Germano Celant
- -Instructional Cinema and African Audiences in Colonial Kenya, 1926–1963: Samson Kaunga Ndanyi
- -Exhibiting the New Art: ‘Op Losse Schroeven & ‘When Attitudes Become Form’ 1969: Christian Rattemeyer & others
- -Slow & soft & righteous. Improvising at the end of the world (and how we make a new one): Sonia Louise Davis
- -Slide Show. Projected images in contemporary Art: Darsie Alexander. With essays by Charles Harrison & Robert Storr
- -How to imitate the sound of the shore using two hands and a carpet: Cevdet Erek
- -Wind Tunnel Bulletin no. 11 & 13: Research Focus in Transdisciplinarity at Zurich University of the Arts
- -Ordinary Notes: Christina Sharpe
- -The Mushroom at the End of the World: Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing
- -How to ‘correct’ Nostalgia: Danièle Huillet
- -Cinema, meteorology, and the erotics of weather: Emil Leth Meilvang
- -The Loop of Belatedness: Cinema After Film in the Contemporary Art Gallery: Thomas Elsaesser
- -Expanded Vision and Blended Mediums: Remembering the Art of Michael Snow: Lukas Brasiskis, eflux
- -Cinema Expanded: Avant-Garde Film in the Age of Intermedia: Jonathan Walley
- -The Skin of the Film. Intercultural Cinema, Embodiment, and the Senses: Laura Marks
- -The hills have ideologies: The fûkeiron tradition in Japanese landscape cinema: Conor Bateman
- -Memoria: Apichatpong Weerasethakul & team. The book features materials collected during the development, writing, pre-production & shoot of the film
- -Steve McQueen: Tate Modern in collaboration with Pirelli HangarBicocca
- -Black Chapel: Theaster Gates
- -Institute of Radical Imagination(IRI)
- -Working-class Cinema in the Age of Digital Capitalism: Massimiliano Mollona
- -A glossary for arts education: On the Home Workspace Program 2014–2015: Edited by Özge Ersoy
- -Publishing as Method: In Conversation with Özge Ersoy and Paul C. Fermin: IDEAS Journal
- –Jackie Karuti: Notes Movement Method
- -Tube Dust Drone: Brückenmusik 1995-2015
- -Sneak Review: Benjamin Patterson
- -Das Rheingold (a new attempt): A multi-media opera by Ben Patterson
- -I Will Draw a Map of What You Never See. Endeavours in Rhythmanalysis: SAVVY Books
- -Ultrasanity. On Madness, Sanitation, Anti-psychiatry and Resistance: SAVVY Books
- -The Russian Experiment in Art, 1863-1922: Camilla Gray
- -Would That I Might Reach Myself Before All Others: Barbara Casavecchia on Maria Lai
- -Ralph Lemon: Thomas J. Lax, MOMA
- -What the Fire Sees: A Divided Reader
- -Drive Your Plow Over the Bones of the Dead: Olga Tokarczuk